
That last post

I'm looking at it now, actually... and wow, that photo is really bad. I mean, if I hadn't taken it, I'd have no earthly idea what it was supposed to be. But, I'll tell you this: there's a couple of jackets hanging in the foreground, and that is Jonathan's (of Lewd Buddha fame) back way back in the background. Oh, and the reason it's there? Simple. I wanted to update the blog... but I (obviously) wasn't at a computer, and the only way I can do it via phone is to send a picture... so I figured that I should take a quick pic and be done with it. Yeah. Next time I have a brilliant idea like that, I'll have another beer instead, neh? ;)

I am still serious about what I wrote that night. No "Oh my gods, I'm 35" depression. Hell, if you asked me 13 years ago if I even thought I'd make it to 35, chances are, I wouldn't be able to tell you (those were some rough days). But, I'm still here, still kicking. Hell, my mother is still alive and kicking... and this despite the heart attack that was the precursor to the triple bypass she had 10 years ago... AND the pace maker she just had put in a little over a week ago. Life doesn't suck so badly right now.

You may notice down at the bottom of this page a couple of new things. One is a player for my "radio station" at last.fm. I'm still not certain how it works... and it has a habit of playing the same set of songs for some reason (I've heard Pantera's "Walk" about 5 times tonight... and it may have played more when I walked away to tend to a machine)... so I'll be looking into that. It's good stuff tho, this site... kinda part music tracker (especially if you download the scrobbler), part music community. Be assured that I'll be pushing my band's music there.
Speaking of that, you can check out some demo tracks (that was done 5+ years ago, well before I joined on) that are up at MySpace (and soon to be at last.fm as well). Be sure to check out PopRant there... and hey, I'm not above pimping: request to be our friends ;) Soon as we have a clear recording with me in it, I'll be certain to be posting that as well (because, well, I'm in it, dammit. Gimme my spotlight!)

A'ight, back to work for me... will post more later.

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